Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Garden Torture

The greenery in this cute rabbit planter is lettuce.

I found it last spring nestled between potted herbs at the Salem Herb Farm( Someone with a sick sense of humor placed this tasty salad just out of the poor rabbit's reach. Could this be a cruel joke? A farmer's retribution? A warning to all other rabbits to stay out of the lettuce patch?
Picture from
Perhaps this is a witty twist on the Greek myth of Tantalus. Hades punished Tantalus by making him stand chin deep in water with fruit hanging just over his head. Whenever Tantalus tried to drink, the water would recede. Each time he tried to eat, the fruit would move just beyond his grasp. Clearly the lettuce on this rabbit's back is just...out...of...reach.

The Salem Herb Farm is in Salem, CT and a wonderful place to visit.